Director Survey

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Tier 2- Director Survey

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Consultant you worked with(Required)
Please select your gender:

Please select the best answer for each statement.

1. I feel that the services provided to me by the Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation staff benefited my childcare setting.
2. How responsive was the consultant to your questions and/or concerns?
3. I feel my staff has a better understanding of the possible meanings for a child’s behavior?
4. Since working with the Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant, I have seen improvement in my staff's skills in working with children (e.g., improved staff/child interaction, improved confidence managing children's behaviors?
5. As a result of consultation services, I know more about how to find local services for children and families.
6. Do you feel that you have gained skills from working with the consultant that will support you in the future when children present with challenging behaviors?
7. Which consultation strategies were most supportive? (please select all that apply)
8. I feel more confident and better able to handle children with challenging behaviors.