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11th Annual Project ACT Early Childhood Conference

October 9, 2021



Abilities Network Project ACT is excited to be back for our 11th Annual Early Childhood Conference. This year's theme is respect, and we will focus on what this means for us as early childhood professionals. 

Resources & Vendors • Raffles & Prizes • Learn from Home

6 COK Hours* • Eligibility for 1 PAU for Attending a Local Conference

8:30 - Keynote Speaker

Respecting Your Own Knowledge & Wisdom

Alisha Wolf, LCSW-C, Goldfinch Wellness 

Self-doubt is an overwhelming and debilitating feeling that often strikes when we need confidence and clarity most.  When we feel intense anxiety and stress, we can miss the quiet but persistent voice of our wisdom that is there to guide us. This session focuses on working with self-doubt in tough times, and learning to recognize your voice of wisdom when you need it most.  Attendees will learn how to respect themselves through finding and trusting their own guidance. The session will include information sharing, personal reflection, and small group discussion.

Click here to download the presentation!

Morning Sessions

9:45 - 12:15

Respecting Our Youngest Children

This session will focus on RIE philosophy and respectful caregiving. We will discuss why intentional and respectful interactions are important to the care of infants and toddlers. The session will help you create a "yes" environment as defined by RIE.

Click here to download the presentation!

Respecting Emotions of Young Children

We all have feelings, big and small. Just like big people, little people react to scary and stressful situations. In this session we will improve our ability to recognize anxiety and learn how to approach big feeling in little people in a way that builds their skills.

Click here to download the presentation!

Lunch Break, Networking & Virtual Vendors

12:15 - 1:00

Afternoon Sessions

1:00 - 3:30

Respecting Adults in Children's Lives

Respecting ourselves and other adults in ECE is so important, yet so overlooked. This session will focus on ways to create a respectful relationship with ourselves and families, including a deeper understanding of what self care is and how to honor families unique strengths and cultures.

Click here to download the presentation!

Respecting Children's Self Identity

Self-Identity starts at birth. In this session we will learn how the language we use as caregivers plays a role in children's self-identity, and explore transgender and non-binary identities. Participants will learn how to create an environment that is welcoming of all gender expressions.

Click here to download the presentation!