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Thoughtful coaching and mentoring contributes to the quality and effectiveness of early childhood programs. Project ACT Coaches use evidence based approaches including Practiced Based Coaching and the Facilitating Attuned Interactions model to support early childhood professionals with a variety of topics. Coaching with Project ACT is free to Baltimore, Harford and Cecil County early child care professionals in centers, preschools, family child care, Head Start programs and aftercare programs.

Contact Us to Request Coaching Support

Project ACT can provide coaching and mentoring to any child care provider on topics such as:

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Building Your Childcare Business

Understand laws and regulations, develop policies and handbooks, and learn effective marketing and enrollment strategies.

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Mentorship for Directors

Develop organizational strategies, set program goals, improve communication with families, and learn ways to retain and recruit staff.

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Lesson Planning Boot Camp

Learn about developmentally appropriate practice and Maryland Learning Domains, develop goals for children, understand the importance of observation  and lesson planning with a focus on emergent interests.

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Curriculum Refresher

Explore a variety of curriculums that meet the developmental needs of children, and learn about bringing children and families’ interests and cultures into programs to promote engagement.

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New Teacher Mentorship

Learn about developmentally appropriate practices, how to develop responsive relationships, and creating engaging environments.

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MSDE Child Care Initiatives

Support for enrolling, participating, and advancing within the Maryland Child Care Credential Program, Maryland EXCELS and other quality initiatives.

Become a Member

Membership provides users with discounts on training, free resources, special events, and can be used for Professional Activity Units.